Capturing Everyday Beauty

Memory Making Monday's - Michelle Gleeson

Last week I shared a special event; today I want to share the importance of sharing the everyday happenings of our lives in our memory keeping albums. I love this quote (source unknown).Unknown


Stampin Up, Project Life, Cature the Everyday - Michelle Gleeson, Scrapbooking

Today we capture so much more than we could years ago with our phones. (I wish I had my iPhone back when my kids were growing up.) So why not include many of these moments in our albums. I don’t live in the country however we are surrounded by natural beauty and I find myself stopping to capture the moment.

stampin up, project life, capturing the everyday - Michelle Gleeson, scrapbooking

Memory Making Monday tips and resources:

  • I used Stampin’ Up! Go Wild DSP stack (retired) as the background for a couple of the photos.
  • I also used Stampin’ Up! Stamp Set In The Meadow for the grass and the tree that accent the page.
  • Ali Edwards digital brushes add commentary to my photos, titles or even alone as I did above.
  • I did use a Project Life card from the Picturesque edition.

stampin up, project life, ali edwards, Capturing nature - Michelle Gleeson, scrapbooking

Are you enjoying this series on Memory Keeping? I would love to hear from you.

May your week be filled with many moments worth capturing.



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